
REV-X Adrenaline Marine

Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $22.00.

8 oz. REV-X Adrenaline Marine Gas

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SKU: 5015 Category:


Adrenaline (Marine) Gas Fuel Additive – 8oz. Bottle
For Marine Vehicles Only
Pleasure Boats
Power Boats
Fishing Boats
Benefits of REV-X Adrenaline Marine Additive:

Eliminates the Corrosive Nature of Ethanol Alcohol
Eliminates Phase Separation in Ethanol Enhanced Gasoline
Safely Increases the Performance of All Pump-Based Gasoline
Proven to Increase Engine Performance and Efficiency While Promoting a Smoother-Running Engine
Increases the Storage Life of Gasoline to One Year
Eliminates Gum and Varnish Deposits
For Use in 2 and 4 Stroke Engines
Adrenaline/Marine Contains No Alcohol
8 oz. Treats 100 US Gallons of Gasoline

The Quality:
Today’s gasoline with ethanol alcohol has been responsible for a variety of problems within the marine industry that range from poor performance, corrosion, the attraction of water, phase separation, and a very short storage life. All of these downfalls add up to costly problems regardless of how big or small of a scale the boat owner is left to deal with. The marine industry has been slammed with products that were supposed to help with these issues, all have fallen way short of producing the proper remedy that allows ethanol alcohol-enhanced gasoline to be used worry free in the marine industry.

The cure-all product the marine industry demanded has arrived!

Adrenaline Marine Gasoline Additive is the cost effective solution the marine industry has been demanding to resolve the ethanol alcohol gasoline issues. Adrenaline Marine Gasoline Additive is a performance product that was formulated to ELIMINATE all of the harmful effects of today’s ethanol alcohol-enhanced gasoline when used in 2 or 4 stroke marine engines. Adrenaline Marine Gasoline Additive increases the performance of gasoline used to a level just shy of a full on racing fuel. This is accomplished not only by increasing the octane level, but also by changing the molecular structure of the fuel to work with the ethanol alcohol to achieve a more complete burn of fuel introduced into the engine. This results in a blended gasoline that promotes smoother-running engines with increased throttle response and power you can really feel.

Increased power and performance is great! But, not good enough!
Adrenaline Marine Gasoline Additive is the first gasoline additive that completely eliminates the corrosive nature of ethanol alcohol-based gasoline, eliminating the disastrous effects of phase separation in fuel being stored for long periods of time. Adrenaline Marine is the only gasoline additive that eliminates the harmful effects of corrosion from fuel systems and engine components allowing for a problem free fuel that does not attack soft metal components, composite fuel tanks, or rubber components. Adrenaline Marine Gasoline Additive also improves lubrication to vital seals and O-rings to keep them in proper working order for years of trouble free use. Adrenaline Marine also contains the strongest cleaning properties of any gasoline additive available to rapidly dissolve any gum or carbon deposits from fuel or engine related components. Gummed up carburetors, fuel injectors, and engine components can be properly cleaned and running like new within 1-2 tanks of fuel instead of the time consuming cleaning or expensive replacement of parts to achieve the same result.

Is that all it does? No way!
Today’s ethanol alcohol-enhanced gasoline has a storage life that rapidly deteriorates if kept in a proper storage container or fuel tank with limited air movement, to the point of being unusable within six months. Adrenaline Marine Gasoline Additive safely extends the useful shelf life of ethanol alcohol-enhanced gasoline to just shy of a full year in the proper storage container or fuel tank.

Additional information

Weight 1.0 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in